Upcoming events.

Festive Ribbons with Leya (Rowan Lane Fibres)
Learn how to create a palette of naturally festive colours through the magic of plant dyes. Leya will first show you how to make a foundation for permanent colour on silk fabric, then how to cut it into ribbons, and dye to use in any way you please, from a bouquet of cheerful mini ribbons for your Christmas tree, or as the finishing flourish on a festive wreath or gift.
All materials will be provided, and you will be dyeing a selection of different types of silk.
This workshop costs £65pp. Click here to book: https://www.rowanlanefibres.com/product/festive-ribbons
About Leya:
Leya is a local botanical dyer and educator working primarily with natural materials such as wool, linen and silk. She lives and works in Winchester, and her work is heavily inspired by the cycles of nature, colour, and simple pleasures; the art of slow, seasonal living. Leya is the co-author of a self-published book, ‘Summer Of Making: knit heirlooms using natural dyes’ available digitally from her website, as well as a teaching contributor on the Natural Dyes Workshop offered by the Herbal Academy.
Although she has a background in teaching, her career also extended into retail visual merchandising and styling. Her many artistic and lifestyle passions – fashion, sustainability, gardening and growing, weaving, photography, interior design- led her to begin her foray into botanical dyeing, which she has grown into her own fibre dyeing small business, selling mainly botanically dyed knitting yarns and other naturally dyed crafting supplies.